miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Hygiene Y Health

Let's do the hygienea habit to reach an andplenary lifehappy.
The hygiene is one of the best ways to be healthy and healthy, butfor it is necessary to pay attention tothe bodily changes, odors and sweat. This observation will help to eliminate possible germs what causeevilolor in our bodies.
Keeping the hygiene is important not alonefortoprevent infections or inflammations, and inclusodiseases, as well as forwhat we feel most assured of ourselves.
The most scientific definition affirms what "the hygiene isthe set of knowledge and techniques what should apply to the individuals to have control of the factors that exert or harmful effects on their health".
Its main objectives are to improve thehealth, conserve it and topreventthediseases. This implies:
1. Cleaning, cleaning of places or peoples or genital parts 2. Habits what favors the health.3. Part of the medicine, aimed at promoting healthy habits, in prevention ofdiseases. 4. Recognition, evaluation and control of those environmental factors and tensions that arise at the workplace and whatmay toprovokediseases, breaches ofhealth, breaches of welfare, discomfort and inefficiency of the workers and the citizens.5.The hygiene personal is the part of the medicine what it is about the means in what he shouldlive man and of the form of modify them at sense most favorable forhis development.
In 2000, a report published by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNICEF) titled "SchoolSanitation and HygienesEducation" revealed what a thirdpart of the world population -2400 million people had difficulties accessing thehygiene basic thehygiene. According to the entity, thechildren are the most vulnerable to this situation, factor what prevented to stop progress of somerelatedrelationships withthe absence of cleaning. The most interesting of this report lies not alone in the inverse relationship between poverty and hygiene. The really revealing entity iswhatthe understands whatthe solution of the hygienic problems is not determined, exclusively, by investment in basic infrastructure of environmental sanitation (drinking water, systems of aqueduct and sewerage), but bya integral education. The education, according to UNICEF, must havetwoaxes central of development: The home and the school. The fact that these nuclei mayhavea same orientation in this matter is the first step forwhatthechildren begin to create habits of cleaning. Wemust be higyenc:
• Withthebaño personal cleanliness • With The food • With the animals what we have of the pet • Withthe clothing and the toys • Withthe environment
Most of the half of all thediseases and the deaths in the early childhood have as cause the germs what is transmitted by lack of hygiene, by buccal way through the ingestion from foods or from water or due to dirty hands.There are six practical tipsforhave success In the task from keeping us sanitized:

1. Parents wemust give theexample. The natural references of the children dwemusthave a clean and neat home. In addition there is what to show them as we wash the teeth asking for their company in the bathroom, explaining whatisthewhatwe are doing, what is the use of toothbrush and toothpaste. 2. We must inculcate habits from an early age. A child will always understand more than he can express, which is why it is necessary for parents to be constantly specifying thewhy of each action hygienically and what health benefits it reports. 3. Regularity. The habits shouldcreate daily and manifest in every aspect of everyday life. In this case we must arm ourselves with patience and the results of our work will not be seen immediately, but in the long run. The ideal iswhatthe instructions what they receive thechildren be themost simple possible. The complication or refinement should be gradual.4. The child should be prepared for the environment. Toiletries should be within reach of the children. The toothpaste can not be stored in a whit key holder, there should always be toilet paper available, etc. If the conditions are not given of whatthe child does his / her tasks of toilet the demotivation will appear. The child must have his or her own hygienic elements.5. Eachtime of cleanliness should be grateful. There is never anything "washyourhairwhyifnotI'llpunishyouwithout tv". Forhimcontrary, isbest showthepositive sideoftheaction: "Whatniceistohavethecleanhair". Linkingthispointwiththeexamplewhatwemustgive as parents, isimportantwhatwhenuscleandemonstratethepleasurewhat produces forwhatourchildren linktheactionwith awellness. 6. Youhaveto becreative. If amethod of creation ofhygienichabitsdoesnotworkno therewhatdespair, manylessfall in thereprimand, isbestsearchothersystem. In the caseshavemost of ason, the systemwhat has givenexcellentresultswiththebigger, in the always beequalwiththesmaller, in thatcase wemusthavethecapacity, and byaboveallthepatience, odinnovate.

My favorite song

Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit lonely 
And you're never coming round 
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit tired 
Of listening to the sound of my tears 
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit nervous 
That the best all of the years have gone by 
Turnaround, every now and then I get a little bit terrified 
And then I see the look in your eyes 
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart 
Turnaround bright eyes, every now and then I fall apart 

And I need you now tonight 
And I need you more than ever 
And if you'll only hold me tight 
We'll be holding on forever 
And we'll only be making it right 
Cause we'll never be wrong together 
We can take it to the end of the line 
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time 
I don't know what to do and I'm always in the dark 
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks 
I really need you tonight 
Forever's gonna start tonight 
Forever's gonna start tonight 

Once upon a time I was falling in love 
But now I'm only falling apart 
There's nothing I can do 
A total eclipse of the heart 
Once upon a time there was light in my life 
But now there's only love in the dark 
Nothing I can say 
A total eclipse of the heart

I love this song because when I was a kid my dad always listened tuit.
Receta de Dulce de Leche:


Whole milk 1 liter
Sugar 250 cc
Butter 1 tablespoon
Essence of vanilla 1 tablespoon
Sodium bicarbonate 1 tablespoon


Mix warm milk with sugar and vanilla essence. Add the baking soda after the first boil, removing the pot from the heat. Mix. Return to low heat for 3 hours. Add marbles or a dish so that with the boil the effect of stirring constantly. To know when it is done, put on a plate a little and if it does not join when passing the finger is ready. Remove from the heat and mix with the butter to give it shine.

Violencia de Género

           The aim of this study on gender violence was to analyze and reveal the reasons of the social resistance to admit the lingering and alarming reality that seems to have the vocation to remain invisible in society. This means that is directly linked to the unequal distribution of power and asymmetrical relations established between men and women in our society that perpetuate the devaluation of the feminine and its subordination to the masculine.
  What differentiates this type of violence from other forms of aggression and coercion is that the risk factor or vulnerability is the mere fact that the aggrieved person has a psychological damage.
Gender-based violence can take many forms, which classifies the crime, according to the relationship that our project spoke about what is gender violence, different types of violence, methodologies, the characteristics that an aggressor has when mistreats a person. How the police should act in a case of domestic violence, forms and methods of prevention. Most of the data presented in this study came from researches and documents directed to the Florida town’s people
The proposals that emerged were based on the irreducible nature of the rights of people attacked, in the conviction that respect for human rights is also an essential condition for the development of our countries and the full exercise of citizens' rights entire population. It also raised the need to analyze the issue of human rights and gender violence from a perspective that offers possibilities of structural cultural changes involving respect for the rights of women and question the inevitability of violence in gender relations.
 As a result of statistical research presented, it was possible to conclude that in the town of La Florida, there is gender violence with a 66.15% percentage.
On the other hand, when comparing schools that conducted the survey; we noticed that in the town of Florida there is not much knowledge of what gender violence is, and showed to be more naturalized in surrounding areas.

Violence; gender; feminism; maleness.

                 El objetivo del presente estudio acerca de la violencia de género fue analizar y desvelar las razones que explican la resistencia social a admitir una realidad persistente y alarmante que parece tener la vocación de permanecer invisible en la sociedad.  Esto significa que está directamente vinculada a la desigual distribución del poder y a las relaciones asimétricas que se establecen entre varones y mujeres en nuestra sociedad, que perpetúan la desvalorización de lo femenino y su subordinación a lo masculino.
 Lo que diferencia a este tipo de violencia de otras formas de agresión y coerción es que el factor de riesgo o de vulnerabilidad es el solo hecho de que la persona agredida tenga un daño psicológico. La violencia de género puede adoptar diversas formas, lo que permite clasificar el delito, de acuerdo con la relación en que nuestro proyecto habló sobre lo que es la violencia de género, los diferentes tipos de violencia, metodologías, las características que tiene un agresor al maltratar a una persona. Cómo debe actuar la policía en un caso de violencia de género, las formas y métodos de prevenir.
La mayor parte de los datos presentados en este estudio provienen de investigaciones y documentos realizados a las personas del pueblo La Florida.
Las propuestas que se plantearon se basaron en el carácter irreductible de los derechos de las personas agredidas, en la convicción de que el respeto de los derechos humanos también es una condición esencial para el desarrollo de nuestros países y el pleno ejercicio de los derechos ciudadanos de toda la población. Se planteó, asimismo, la necesidad de analizar el tema de los derechos humanos y de la violencia de género desde una perspectiva que ofrezca posibilidades de cambios culturales estructurales que conlleven el respeto de los derechos de las mujeres y cuestionen la inevitabilidad de la violencia en las relaciones de género.
Como resultado de la investigación estadística presentada, fue posible concluir que en la localidad de La Florida, existe la violencia de género con un porcentaje 66.15 %. Por otro lado, al comparar las escuelas en las que realizamos la encuesta; notamos que en la localidad de la Florida existió menos conocimiento de lo que es la violencia de género y demostró estar más naturalizado que en las zonas aledañas.